Ansible Intro        1

Link and Tools:        7

1. Ansible        7

2. SSH        8

Auth        8

Setup Guide        8

3. Git Repo        11

4. Running AD-HOC commands        11

Troubleshoot Commands        12

5. Running elevated ad-hoc Commands        12

6. Ansible Playbook        13

7. Condition - When        13

8. Improving your Playbook        15

Consolidating        15

Consolidating-2        15

9. Targeting Specific Nodes        16

10. Tags        18

How to run        19

11. Managing Files        20

Why/Use case        20

12. Managing Services        21

13. Adding Users & Bootstrapping        22

Result        23

14. Roles        24

15. Host Variables        25

16. Templates        27

Ansible Intro


Tools that make DevOps engineer life easier by Allowing us to achieve reliable and repeatable deployment, infrastructure updates, and configuration management, using Ansible that allows us to script out changes and manage it all within source control

Why when and where

  1. Mass deployment
  2. Scaling
  3. Migrating environments
  4. Failure prevention

Tools comparison


Environment settings

Construct a system using Playbooks

  1. Package management

  1. Configure infrastructure

  1. Service handler


Test configuring a system

Link and Tools:

  1. Ansible Youtube Series: 
  2. Tmux Tool: to switch to different servers via multiple terminal

1. Ansible

What: software/tool to provision servers

How: this control host(can be a remote server or your laptop/workstation) containing script/Ansible Playbook, which runs to provision code/package to your servers

2. SSH

What: to connect/authenticate to your servers

How: ssh@IP


  1. You either prompted to password // pw is default
  2. Or SSH key // then you won’t be prompted to pw
  1. This is more secure and recommended
  2. Why: This bypasses entering your password. Or if your password is weak, then it’s easy for someone to break in unless you have the key, then it’s very difficult to break in.  
  3. It asks you to enter a passphrase which is a separate password you can set along with the key

Why OpenSSH

  1. It's a prerequisite: Ansible uses OpenSSH to connect to servers
  2. You need SSH Client // Linux has SSH Client by default    

sudo apt install openssh-server

Setup Guide

  1. You have your Ansible server/laptop and fleet of servers/hosts
  2. Install OpenSSH to connect to remote servers
  3. Make a connection from your Ansible server/laptop to your servers. Answer yes to the initial connection prompt
  4. Optional(but do it anyway): Create SSH key pair with a passphrase for your normal user account
  1. What: this is the key for your remote server. So that you can access it without a password 
  2. Usage: use this key to connect to servers and do manual activity
  3. Check what ssh file you have before creating key  ls -la .ssh

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "gautam default"

  1. Give path where you want to save key: can be home directory
  2. Enter passphrase: enter password  
  1. What: adding a passphrase to your key will going to ask for your key everytime you use it
  2. Why: to make key much more secure
  3. Issue: it will ask for this passphrase/password when you try to connect to server  
  4. Solution: We will later cache this passphrase
  5. End: This will create 2 key; 1 public and 1 private key
  1. Commands:
  1. -t = type
  2. -C = Comment, gives you metadata of key  
  1. Copy this key to your fleet of servers
  1. Why: placing this key to a remote server, so that we can use above-generated key to connect to our servers
  2. End: This key will be copied to remote server //check by  ls -la .ssh
  3. From your laptop execute below command

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ Server_IP

  1. -i = input
  2. This will ask remote server password
  1. Optional: Test connectivity
  1. This will ask you to enter the passphrase associated with the key you setup on step-4

shh Server_IP

  1. Create an SSH key specific to Ansible
  1. Location: Give path where you want to save key: don’t give path where you saved your step-4 SSH key. Ansible key will overwrite Step-4 key otherwise.
  2. Usage: this key is for Ansible, so it can provision servers
  3. IMP: This key must be kept secure because it is very powerful


  1. Enter passphrase: don’t enter a password. Press enter  
  1. Why: this will make ansible automatically do the task without entering the passphrase

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "ansible"

  1. Copy/Add this key to your fleet of servers
  1. Enter passphrase: enter step-4 passphrase
  1. What: This will ask us to enter the original key(step-4) that it will use to facilitate copying the new key over to the server  
  1. From your laptop, execute below command

shh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ Server_IP

  1. Once all the key has been added to remote servers, Use the ansible key from your workstation/laptop to connect to a remote server
  1. What: use ansible key so that way you tell which key you want to use for the connection
  1. This is the command you will use when you want to connect to a server
  1. This won’t ask you to enter the passphrase

ssh -i ~/.ssh/ansible Server_IP # This uses ansible ssh key

ssh Server_IP # This uses original key on step-4. So will ask you to enter pw

  1. Issue: when you want to connect to server using ansible key, you have to type  -i ~/.ssh/ansible
  1. Use SSH agent to cache passphrase of general login(not ansible login).

What: So you don’t have to enter passphrase everytime when you want to connect to a remote server against your general user key  

  1. ssh-add: enter a passphrase(step-4)  
  2. This will return PID of SSH agent which runs in the background // ps aux | grep PID

eval $(ssh-agent)

ssh-add // to cache key so that you don’t have to enter passphrase

ssh Server_IP // You won’t need to enter passphrase

Caveat: This is not permanent. If you were to close the terminal, then you have to enter the passphrase again because that SSH agent is not running when you close terminal

  1. Use SSH agent alias to shorten the commands
  1. Now type ssha so that you don’t have to write step-10 commands

alias ssha='eval $(ssh-agent) && ssh-add'

  1. Add alias to the .bashrc file
  1. Why: This will cache the alias. So that you don’t have to type commands on step-10
  1. Because if you close your terminal you also lose alias so that’s why we need to add it to .bashrc file

nano .bashrc
# ssh agent
alias ssha='eval $(ssh-agent) && ssh-add'

Now just run

ssh Server_IP // to connect to server

ssha // type shha and enter passphrase and it will be cached by ssh agent

3. Git Repo

  1. Create GitHub repo
  2. On that repo, Delete the default ssh key on github
  1. Settings → SSH and GPG keys
  1. Create a new ssh key and add an original public ssh key you created on step-4 to github account

cat .ssh/

  1. Clone repo with SSH

4. Running AD-HOC commands

What: run AD-HOC command against all the server/hosts by running one command to execute all the servers

  1. Install Ansible on your workstation/laptop

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ansible

  1. Create inventory file
  1. This file contains remote server’s IP address we want to manage with ansible

nano inventory // List IP address or DNS name

  1. Connect and establish a connection to remote servers by ansible from your laptop
  1. --key-file = give this key file for ansible to use to connect to servers
  2. -i = inventory of severe’s IP address

ansible all --key-file ~/.ssh/ansible -i inventory -m ping

  1. Create an ansible config file to shorten step-3
  1. This file will read by ansible

Nano ansible.cfg

inventory = inventory
private_key_file = ~/.ssh/ansible

ansible all -m ping

Troubleshoot Commands

ansible all -m gather_facts

ansible all -m gather_facts --limit Host_IP

Gives all the info about remote servers/host

Gives all the info about host IP you specified

IMP: this will only show you server info but won’t update the server

5. Running elevated ad-hoc Commands

What: command that makes changes to the server


  1. By executing ansible all with modules, it will update all the servers by just one command
  2. If the packages are already there, then it won’t update existing ones// rely on state. Like terraform

Ansible sudo

  1. Make ansible use sudo of its own: --become --ask-become-pass
  1. Become password: enter sudo password // user account password
  2. Why: to execute anything on linux system you need sudo. By typing --become --ask-become-pass we let ansible to use sudo to execute command


ansible all -m apt -a update_cache=true --become --ask-become-pass

Same thing as “sudo apt update”: to update package on servers

-m = module

-a = argument to that module

update_cache=true: Same thing as “sudo apt update”

--become --ask-become-pass: elevate privileges by default to use sudo & use sudo password

Tell ansible to use sudo (become)

Enter become pw: enter user password

ansible all -m apt -a name=vim-nox --become --ask-become-pass

Install a VIM package via the apt module

ansible all -m apt -a "name=snapd state=latest" --become --ask-become-pass

Install a package via the apt module, and also make sure it’s the latest version available

ansible all -m apt -a upgrade=dist --become --ask-become-passxx

Upgrade all the package updates that are available

6. Ansible Playbook


  1. Create a playbook file  

nano install_apache.yml # To create an ansible file
- hosts: all

  - name: update repository index


       update_cache: yes


   - name: install apache2 package


       name: apache2

       state: latest


   - name: add php support for apache


       name: libapache2-mod-php

       state: latest

Command for running Ansible Playbook

ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass File_Name

Run this command to execute ansible file

7. Condition - When

Usage: when you want to have a different flavor of Linux distribution; Ubuntu, Debian, Mint

Example: you have 3 servers on Ubuntu and now added CentOS server. This way, you also need to modify the existing YAML playbook. Because modules that support in Ubuntu don’t support CentOS. Use When to distinguish servers distribution


- hosts: all

  - name: update repository index
      update_cache: yes
    when: ansible_distribution ==

  - name: install apache2 package
      name: apache2
      state: latest
    when: ansible_distribution ==

  - name: add php support
for apache
      name: libapache2-mod-php
      state: latest
    when: ansible_distribution ==

  - name: update repository index
      update_cache: yes
    when: ansible_distribution ==

  - name: install httpd package
      name: httpd
      state: latest
    when: ansible_distribution ==

  - name: add php support
for apache
      name: php
      state: latest
    when: ansible_distribution ==

8. Improving your Playbook

What: reorganize playbook to make your playbook clean and less messy


What: consolidate your code by having multiple packages inside single task(name entry) instead of having separate tasks(name entries per package)


- hosts: all

  - name: install apache2 package
        - apache2
        - libapache2-mod-php
      state: latest
      update_cache: yes
    when: ansible_distribution ==

  - name: install httpd package
        - httpd
        - php
      state: latest
      update_cache: yes
    when: ansible_distribution ==


- hosts: all

  - name: install apache and php
"Template:Apache package"
"Template:Php package"
      state: latest
      update_cache: yes

inventory file (with host variables added) apache_package=apache2 php_package=libapache2-mod-php apache_package=apache2 php_package=libapache2-mod-php apache_package=apache2 php_package=libapache2-mod-php apache_package=httpd php_package=php

9. Targeting Specific Nodes

What: segment your servers into groups. As not all servers you want to install apache on to. Because you may have a web server, file server, or database server, and you want to handle them differently.


  1. In your Inventory file, create groups
  2. In the playbook, create a separate host per group you defined in the inventory


# Update All Host
- hosts: all
# below task we want to execute on all our servers; web,db,file servers
# This task always runs first because it's "pre_task"
 - name: install updates (CentOS)
     update_only: yes
# Update packages with dnf module
     update_cache: yes
   when: ansible_distribution ==
 - name: install updates (Ubuntu)
     upgrade: dist
# Update packages with apt module
     update_cache: yes
   when: ansible_distribution ==

# Web server group - install apache
- hosts: web_servers
 - name: install apache and php
for Ubuntu servers
       - apache2
       - libapache2-mod-php
     state: latest
   when: ansible_distribution ==
 - name: install apache and php
for CentOS servers
       - httpd
       - php
     state: latest
   when: ansible_distribution ==

# DB Server group - install mariadb
- hosts: db_servers
 - name: install httpd package (CentOS)
     name: mariadb
     state: latest
   when: ansible_distribution ==
 - name: install mariadb server
     name: mariadb-server
     state: latest
   when: ansible_distribution ==

# File Server group - install samba package
- hosts: file_servers
 - name: install samba package
     name: samba
     state: latest

# Update Inventory file with group




10. Tags

What: add metadata to our plays so that we can run only the plays we want to test: to make testing easier

Problem solves: earlier when you execute command ansible going to run against all the server your specified in your plays. Now Tags will only run plays which you want to test  



# Update All Host

- hosts: all # below task we want to execute on all our servers; web,db,file servers

  become: true

  pre_tasks: # This task always runs first because it's "pre_task"

  - name: install updates (CentOS)

    tags: always # I want to run this always and want to patch always


      update_only: yes # Update packages with dnf module

      update_cache: yes

    when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS"

  - name: install updates (Ubuntu)

    tags: always


      upgrade: dist # Update packages with apt module

      update_cache: yes

    when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"

# Web server group - install apache

- hosts: web_servers

  become: true


  - name: install apache and php for Ubuntu servers

    tags: apache,apache2,ubuntu # Name can be anything



        - apache2

        - libapache2-mod-php

      state: latest

    when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"

  - name: install apache and php for CentOS servers

    tags: apache,centos,httpd



        - httpd

        - php

      state: latest

    when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS"

# DB Server group - install mariadb

- hosts: db_servers

  become: true


  - name: install httpd package (CentOS)

    tags: centos,db,mariadb


      name: mariadb

      state: latest

    when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS"

  - name: install mariadb server

    tags: db,mariadb,ubuntu


      name: mariadb-server

      state: latest

    when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"

# File Server group - install samba package

- hosts: file_servers

  tags: samba

  become: true


  - name: install samba package

    tags: samba


      name: samba

      state: latest

How to run

ansible-playbook --list-tags site. yml

List the available tags

 ansible-playbook --tags db --ask-become-pass site_with_tags.yml

 ansible-playbook --tags centos --ask-become-pass site_with_tags.yml

 ansible-playbook --tags apache --ask-become-pass site_with_tags.yml

Running a playbook targeting specific tags

 ansible-playbook --tags “db,apache” --ask-become-pass site_with_tags.yml

Running a playbook targeting multiple tags

11. Managing Files

What: until now, we only worked with updating/creating packages. But what if we want to modify files, such as copying files from the code base to the server


  1. Copy files to servers(html,script)

Why/Use case

  1. Customize default website
  1. Copy files to a server(html,script)
  2. Install terraform

# Install terraform

- hosts: workstations

  become: true


  - name: install unzip


      name: unzip

  - name: install terraform



      dest: /usr/local/bin

      remote_src: yes

      mode: 0755

      owner: root

      group: root

 # copy html file for site

  - name: copy html file for site

    tags: apache,apache,apache2,httpd


      src: default_site.html

      dest: /var/www/html/index.html

      owner: root

      group: root

      mode: 0644

12. Managing Services


  1. Start and enable httpd: When you install Apache on CentOS servers that include service, it most often won’t be started automatically; they leave that up to you, so you wanna make sure that Apache is running after we install it
  1. Steps 
  1. Install apache on CentOS
  2. Start apache
  3. Enable apache // for some reason; If the web server is rebooted/disabled, then you have to enable it
  4. Restart apache // let’s say you change the configuration file, and this change requires a service to be restarted after you make the change
  1. Before this, we also need one change in the config file so that we can test this and restart the web server
  1. If the server gets rebooted, then the service will not start. So Apache Will not be running.


  1. Start/Restart service


  1. Using service module: Use the service module when you want to automatically start the apache server after it's installation on CentOS

  # Start Apache service after it's installation on CentOS

  # When you install Apache on CentOS servers that includes a service, it most often won’t be started automatically, they leave that up to you so you wanna make sure that Apache is running after we install it

  - name: start and enable httpd (CentOS)

    tags: apache,centos,httpd

    service: # Use service module when you want to automatically start the apache server after it's installation on CentOS

      name: httpd

      state: started

      enabled: yes # If the server gets rebooted, then the service will not start. So Apache Will not be running

    when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS"

  1. Change e-mail address for admin: let’s say you change the configuration file, and this change requires a service to be restarted after you make the change
  1. line in file module: This will allow you to change the lines in files to test this change
  1. Restart httpd (CentOS)

  # Change file content in order for Ansible to restart the service

  - name: change e-mail address for admin

    tags: apache,centos,httpd


      path: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

      regexp: '^ServerAdmin' # Tells to find line that starts with ServerAdmin

      line: ServerAdmin # Tells to replace the line(above) with ServerAdmin

    when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS"

    register: httpd # register its state in a variable named "httpd" # name can be anything

  - name: restart httpd (CentOS)

    tags: apache,centos,httpd


      name: httpd

      state: restarted

    when: httpd.changed # only restart the service if the variable "httpd" state is changed

13. Adding Users & Bootstrapping


  1. Create users on all servers
  1. Configure this user to be our Ansible user that runs ansible jobs in the background. Because we want to be fully automated // this is beginning

 - hosts: all

  - name: create simone user
    tags: always
      name: simone
      groups: root

  1. Add Ansible ssh key file for this user
  1. Add your ansible public key  
  2. Why: We want to allow the administrator who has access to this key to be able to login as Simone without a password or passphrase

   - name: add ssh key for simone
    tags: always
      user: simone
"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAe7/ofWLNBq3+fRn3UmgAizdicLs9vcS4Oj8VSOD1S/ ansible"

  1. Add sudoers file  // to make this user more useful
  1. Once Simon is running, we want her to be able to use Sudo without a password.
  1. so We need to create a file and copy that file to servers /etc/sudoers.d/simon directly
  1. So that we are able to control access to Sudo by just adding or removing a file, so when we copy the Simone file here, it’s going to set Simons permissions for Sudo, and if we want to reward those permissions, we can simply delete the file
  2. Edit ansible config file

   - name: add sudoers file for simone
    tags: always
      src: sudoer_simone
      dest: /etc/sudoers.d/simone
      owner: root
      group: root
      mode: 0440

inventory = inventory
private_key_file = ~/.ssh/ansible
remote_user = simon # Because we want to run playbook as user Simon


  1. You’ll be able to access any remote server without typing the password
  1. Add this user to your inventory file

ssh -i ~/.ssh/ansible simone@ // Test locally

Ansible-playbook site.yml // Run this command that now excluded --ask-become-pass

ssh -i ~/.ssh/ansible simone@

Login to remote server against the user without typing password

ansible-playbook site.yml

Run this command that now excluded --ask-become-pass

14. Roles

What: allows us to split up our task better


# Create Users on all server
- hosts: all
     - base

# Install terraform
- hosts: workstations
     - workstation

# Web server group - install apache
- hosts: web_servers
     - web_servers

# DB Server group - install mariadb
- hosts: db_servers
     - db_servers

# File Server group - install samba package
- hosts: file_servers
  tags: samba
     - file_servers

mkdir roles

mkdir roles/base

mkdir roles/workstation

mkdir roles/web_servers

mkdir roles/db_servers

mkdir roles/file_servers

mkdir roles/base/tasks & touch main.yml

mkdir roles/workstation/tasks & touch main.yml

mkdir roles/web_servers/tasks & touch main.yml

mkdir roles/db_servers/tasks & touch main.yml

mkdir roles/file_servers/tasks & touch main.yml

mkdir roles/web_servers/files & touch index.html

15. Host Variables


  1. Host Variables/groups: allows us to customize how each individual host is handled when we run playbook
  1. Create host_vars directory: this directory contains the variable  
  2. Go to inventory file
  3. Create host variable file for each host

mkdir host_vars
cd host_vars

touch # This name can be IP, hostname/DNS name of server

# Repeat this process for all Host IPs

# Create variable in this file

apache_package_name: apache2

apache_service: apache2

php_package_name: libapache2-mod-php

  1. Handlers: Sometimes you want a task to run only when a change is made on a machine. For example, you may want to restart a service if a task updates the configuration of that service, but not if the configuration is unchanged. Ansible uses handlers to address this use case. Handlers are tasks that only run when notified.

# Create handler directory

mkdir roles/web_servers/handlers & touch main.yml

# move restart task from tasks directory to handlers directory in the web_server folder

- name: restart_apache

  tags: apache,centos,httpd


    name: "{{ apache_service }}"

    state: restarted

What actually

The content of the host_vars yaml files are variables to use in your playbooks. At a basic level it lets you rename a thing and refer to it as a different thing.

The easiest way to understand this is to use it for something you want to change between computers or groups of machines.

For example, in the  host_vars YAML file I can make more than just a variable, I can make a whole list.

So you can make one named whatever works for you such as packages or sys_packes as such:

sys_packages: ['curl', 'ufw', 'iotop', 'iftop', 'python 3-pip']

Then in the actual playbooks to install a whole list of software you can reference this such as:

- name: Install packages

  apt: name={{ sys_packages }} state= latest

By splitting things up like this you may create as many lists of software for as many machines as you would like. And always install them on every machine using the same Ansible play, but a different host_vars list per host or group.

You can split all sorts of things this way, like users to create or software to install. It's really just a way of letting you use the same plays to create different outcomes by splitting your instruction specifics across more than one file.

16. Templates
